
Egypt, History By Topic Texts


The Book of the DeadThe Book of the Dead - An educational resource featuring the evolution of Egypt's Book of the Dead. See the pages from the book, spells that were used and all the Gods that ruled Egypt. Egyptian Book Of The Dead - Eldritch's CryptEgyptian Book Of The Dead - Eldritch's Crypt - - Budge translation of the version held in the British Museum. Ordered by Plate number with introductions.
Egyptian Book of the Dead (Budge 1895)Egyptian Book of the Dead (Budge 1895) - Etext of the Budge translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Includes other etexts on the subject of Egyptian Religion. Hymn to the NileHymn to the Nile - Etext of hymn c. 2100 BCE, from the Ancient History Sourcebook.
Papyrus of AniPapyrus of Ani - Complete text of the Ani Papyrus translated by Neil Parker. Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the DeadPapyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead - Online text translated by E. A. Wallis Budge. One large text file.


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