| | | | | Imagenius Academy for Animation and Computer Graphics - Continuing education facility for computer-based arts and graphics; information about courses offered, location details, and a gallery of students' work.
| | Information Technology Institute (ITI) - A national institute that offers medium to short IT professional courses. Includes a profile, top projects, events, descriptions of courses and academic programs.
| | National Telecommunication Institute (NTI) - Provides advanced post graduate engineering education and training, conducts research, feasibility studies, network planning, standardization, technology assessment studies and field measurements and testing.
| | Software Engineering Certification Center (SECC) - A governmental entity aiming to support the development of the local software industry engineering practices to achieve higher maturity levels through SPI for a stronger global market presence.
| | Welding Education & Consultation Centre - Provides welding training, certification and consultation in Egypt and the Middle East.
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