
Egypt, Science Social Sciences Egyptian Hieroglyphs


Jim Loy's Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Egyptology PageJim Loy's Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Egyptology Page - Online grammar, dictionary, and fonts for ancient Egyptian.

Ancient Egyptian Language Discussion ListAncient Egyptian Language Discussion List - Online resources for the learning of ancient Egyptian, including hieroglyphic transcriptions/translations, discussion list and online tutorials.
Beinlich Egyptian-German Word ListBeinlich Egyptian-German Word List - A searchable list of ancient Egyptian words with German translations. Based on Horst Beinlich and Friedhelm Hoffmann's article in Göttinger Miszellen 140 (1994). Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological ResearchCentre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research - Developers of computer software relating to Egyptology, especially Glyph for Windows and MacScribe for Macintosh, for typsetting hieroglyphs. Also provide Egyptian word and hieroglyph databases, dictionaries and indexes.
Egyptian HieroglyphicsEgyptian Hieroglyphics - An introduction to Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and numbering. Interactive examples allow users to create hieroglyphic numbers and fractions. Egyptian HieroglyphsEgyptian Hieroglyphs - C.I. Burkinshaw's detailed tutorial with bibliography.
Egyptian HieroglyphsEgyptian Hieroglyphs - An illustrated introduction to the development of hieroglyphs by Chris Burkinshaw, which can also be downloaded in Word format. Fonts and a glyph viewer are also available as downloads. HeiroglyphicsHeiroglyphics - The symbols and imagery used in ancient Egypt. Covering aspects of the alphabet, gods and goddesses, commonly found expressions and numeric system.
Hieroglyphic DirectoryHieroglyphic Directory - Includes lists of common glyphs and a brief introduction. HieroglyphicsHieroglyphics - A guide and web directory to Egyptian hieroglyphics by Tim Spalding. - Tools for learning, teaching and using hieroglyphs. Includes two-way dictionaries, interactive grammar lessons, and an online translator which accepts transliterations or English words. HieroSiteHieroSite - Lessons in hieroglyphics and links to other pages with software.
Jol's HieroglyphsJol's Hieroglyphs - Introduction into the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Short, comprehensive quizzes included so progress can be verified. (Answers are included.) Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language StudiesLingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies - - Publishes articles and book reviews on Egyptian and Coptic language and literature: grammar, language history, comparative linguistics, literature.
MacScribe 2.0: Hieroglyphic Text ProcessorMacScribe 2.0: Hieroglyphic Text Processor - Software for typesetting Egyptian hieroglyphs on the Macintosh. Middle EgyptianMiddle Egyptian - Introduction to middle Egyptian and its hieroglyphs, with resources such as software and discussion forums.
The Pronunciation of Ancient EgyptianThe Pronunciation of Ancient Egyptian - Detailed introduction and survey, including some helpful .wav files. Rosetta StoneRosetta Stone - Photograph and description from the British Museum of the slab found in 1799 in Rosetta, with a text written in hieroglyphs, Demotic and Greek, enabling the crucial breakthrough in deciphering Egyptian writing.
Serge RosmorducSerge Rosmorduc - Fonts and macros for writing hieroglyphics in LaTeX. Also contains some texts and related links. VisualGlyphVisualGlyph - A hieroglyphs writer for PCs. The user can create hieroglyphic texts as well as lines, rectangles, lunettes, cartouches and normal text.


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