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| Jim Loy's Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Egyptology Page - Online grammar, dictionary, and fonts for ancient Egyptian.
| | Ancient Egyptian Language Discussion List - Online resources for the learning of ancient Egyptian, including hieroglyphic transcriptions/translations, discussion list and online tutorials.
| Beinlich Egyptian-German Word List - A searchable list of ancient Egyptian words with German translations. Based on Horst Beinlich and Friedhelm Hoffmann's article in Göttinger Miszellen 140 (1994).
| | Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research - Developers of computer software relating to Egyptology, especially Glyph for Windows and MacScribe for Macintosh, for typsetting hieroglyphs. Also provide Egyptian word and hieroglyph databases, dictionaries and indexes.
| Egyptian Hieroglyphics - An introduction to Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and numbering. Interactive examples allow users to create hieroglyphic numbers and fractions.
| | Egyptian Hieroglyphs - C.I. Burkinshaw's detailed tutorial with bibliography.
| Egyptian Hieroglyphs - An illustrated introduction to the development of hieroglyphs by Chris Burkinshaw, which can also be downloaded in Word format. Fonts and a glyph viewer are also available as downloads.
| | Heiroglyphics - The symbols and imagery used in ancient Egypt. Covering aspects of the alphabet, gods and goddesses, commonly found expressions and numeric system.
| Hieroglyphic Directory - Includes lists of common glyphs and a brief introduction.
| | Hieroglyphics - A guide and web directory to Egyptian hieroglyphics by Tim Spalding.
| Hierolgyphs.net - Tools for learning, teaching and using hieroglyphs. Includes two-way dictionaries, interactive grammar lessons, and an online translator which accepts transliterations or English words.
| | HieroSite - Lessons in hieroglyphics and links to other pages with software.
| Jol's Hieroglyphs - Introduction into the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Short, comprehensive quizzes included so progress can be verified. (Answers are included.)
| | Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies - - Publishes articles and book reviews on Egyptian and Coptic language and literature: grammar, language history, comparative linguistics, literature.
| MacScribe 2.0: Hieroglyphic Text Processor - Software for typesetting Egyptian hieroglyphs on the Macintosh.
| | Middle Egyptian - Introduction to middle Egyptian and its hieroglyphs, with resources such as software and discussion forums.
| The Pronunciation of Ancient Egyptian - Detailed introduction and survey, including some helpful .wav files.
| | Rosetta Stone - Photograph and description from the British Museum of the slab found in 1799 in Rosetta, with a text written in hieroglyphs, Demotic and Greek, enabling the crucial breakthrough in deciphering Egyptian writing.
| Serge Rosmorduc - Fonts and macros for writing hieroglyphics in LaTeX. Also contains some texts and related links.
| | VisualGlyph - A hieroglyphs writer for PCs. The user can create hieroglyphic texts as well as lines, rectangles, lunettes, cartouches and normal text.