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| Akhet, the Doors of the Horizon - Includes descriptions of over 40 Egyptian gods and goddesses, articles about temple life, priesthood, and the cult temple.
| | Egyptian Goddesses - Description of life in ancient Egypt. Contains some pictures and lists the individual goddesses attributes.
| Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - Contains information and details on 96 Egyptian gods and goddesses. Describes religion, way of life, clothing and includes myths and pictures to accompany text.
| | Egyptian Gods Description - "At-a-glance" table of Egyptian gods.
| Egyptian Gods: Summaries - Alphabetical listings and descriptions of the gods in dictionary type format. Contains names the gods are known by and brief attributes.
| | Goddesses of Ancient Egypt - Dedicated to information about the goddesses of ancient Egyptian religion and a discussion of their significance in that culture. Lists Isis, Hathor, Neith and contains links to other goddess sites.
| Makara's Ancient Egyptian Site - Features over 150 Egyptian gods and goddesses, definitions of terms, links to many related sites, and various specialty pages.
| | Webhotep - The Gods of Ancient Egypt - - A comprehensive list of the gods of ancient Egypt. Each listing includes a description of the aspects of the deity, many are accompanied by illustrations and an anecdotal myth.